Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Scheme
Queensland’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Co-Fund Scheme aims to encourage private sector investment in EV charging infrastructure and to add more public EV fast chargers to the charging network.

Program information
Please note that stage two full applications closed on 6 February 2023. There are no plans for further funding rounds of the Scheme.
The successful applicants are:
Fast Cities Australia Pty Ltd (Evie Networks)
IPAH Client Solutions Australia Pty Ltd (ENGIE)
National Roads and Motorists' Association (NRMA)
Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ)
Tesla Motors Australia Pty Ltd (Tesla).
19 of the planned 46 co-funded sites have already opened as of 4 February 2025 and the remaining sites will be completed by 31 December 2025. Locations where the fast charging electric vehicle infrastructure will be built are detailed on the Queensland Government website.
Co-funding of up to $3 million of the Total Project Value (TPV) was made available to eligible entities as part of an expressions of interest (EOI) application process for Queensland’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Scheme (the Scheme). The Queensland Government has committed $10 million under the Scheme.
The final co-funding amount to be offered for Charging Sites must be below the maximum cap of 50 per cent of the TPV (that is, for all charging sites on the application).
If one, or multiple proposed charging sites are not successful within Stage One of an application, this may result in revised co-funding amounts offered for proposed charging sites. The revised offer and amount will be determined by QRIDA and is not negotiable.
Funding under the Scheme is only to be used for all costs associated with capital costs of purchasing equipment (including Charging Stations and energy storage), and costs to install and commission EV fast charging site/s.
QRIDA is administering the Scheme on behalf of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Key dates
All applicants committed to having all charging sites within their application operational by the 31 December 2025. In the event of unavoidable extensions, negotiations may occur under the Funding Agreement.
Timeframes for the Scheme are as follows:
24 October 2022 | Stage two full applications open |
6 February 2023 | Stage two full applications close at 11:59pm |
End March 2023 | Applicants notified of outcomes |
31 December 2025 | All co-funded sites to be operational |
Eligibility criteria
Queensland’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Co-Fund Scheme guidelines outline eligibility criteria.
Funding for the Scheme was prioritised towards applications that align best with the eligibility criteria, merit criteria and priority zones which can be viewed in the guidelines below.
How funding may not be used?
The following projects and charging infrastructure are not eligible to be funded under the Scheme:
- Hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.
- Private Charging infrastructure not for public access (for example, apartment buildings, hotels, private colleges for private use of owners, tenants and visitors only).
- Any proposed charging sites which have received funding from other government grant schemes for the same project.
Application process
Applications were processed in two stages. Stage One was an EOI process. Successful EOI applicants were invited to submit a Detailed Application as part of Stage Two. Stage Two full applications closed on 6 February 2023.
Stage Two was a thorough application which allowed applicants to provide a more detailed submission including a business case and detailed project plan in relation to proposed charging site/s.
Applicants can update or change project scope details following Stage One. For example, applicants can revise the requested funding amount in Stage Two.
There is no guarantee that Stage Two applicants will be approved a grant under the Scheme. Applicants were notified of outcomes in March 2023.
View the guidelines below for more information.
Related information
Queensland's new Zero Emission Vehicle StrategyFrequently asked questions
Questions concerning your personal taxation circumstances should be directed to your taxation advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 72 86.
To find the list of priority zones and to understand the merit criteria please read the guidelines.
No, you may be offered less than 50% co-funding due to the Scheme being oversubscribed and/or some charging sites within your applications not being successful to receive funding.
QRIDA will contact you via telephone, email, SMS or post. If you are concerned about whether the contact you have received is genuine, please contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946 and ask to speak with your Portfolio Manager.
Grant funding is not guaranteed at any stage of the application process and applications will be assessed on a competitive basis.
The total project value means the total project cost that involves the capital costs and costs of services procured for the construction of a project, but excludes finance charges, land costs, mobilisation fees to the operations and maintenance contractor/s and the costs payable to the distributor, national transmission company and/or a contractor for the distribution or transmission connection works.
Questions concerning your personal taxation circumstances should be directed to your taxation advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 72 86.
Yes, you are entitled to a decision review. See reviewing a decision for more information.
QRIDA is committed to ensuring due administrative processes are undertaken with the decisioning of applications for Government assistance.
When making decisions on applications, as well as the internal review of a decision, QRIDA follows the QRIDA Decision-Making Policy and Procedure.
You can view this Policy and Procedure on the Reviewing a decision page.