Customer complaints

QRIDA is committed to ensuring all complaints received are taken seriously and handled efficiently and fairly.

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Making your complaint

If your complaint is with regards to the decision of your application with QRIDA, please refer to the  reviewing a decision  process.

QRIDA welcomes feedback to continually improve its processes and service delivery. Please use the below form to lodge your complaint.

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Resolving complaints

Our organisation and staff operate under the QRIDA Complaints Management Framework and corresponding procedure. As a result, we will provide the following services:

  • acknowledge your complaint within two business days
  • provide an update on the progress of your complaint within five business days
  • assess your complaint and where complaints are outside the scope of QRIDA business or it relates to another agency, we will assist you with identifying the appropriate party
  • take all reasonable steps to ensure your complaint is properly understood
  • ensure your complaint will be handled in a confidential manner in line with the Information Privacy Act 2009
  • Provide a written formal response to your complaint within a reasonable timeframe in accordance with the QRIDA Complaints Management Framework.

If you are not satisfied with the handling or outcome of your complaint, there is the opportunity of external review with agencies such as the Office of the Queensland Ombudsman.

The human rights complaints process

QRIDA supports the aim of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (the Act) to embed respect for human rights in the culture of the Queensland public sector and ensure public functions are exercised in a principled way that is compatible with human rights.  QRIDA manages the assessment and allocation of loans, grants and rebates while having regard to the needs and circumstances of eligible applicants and by making client focused decisions with regards to human rights.

From 1 January 2020, individuals who believe they are the subject of QRIDA’s alleged failure to act or make a decision in a way that is compatible with human rights may make a complaint to QRIDA.

If the complaint cannot or has not been resolved with QRIDA within 45 days, a person may make a human rights complaint to the QHRC. The QHRC may try to resolve the complaint, through either discussing the complaint with the complainant and QRIDA or, if appropriate, through conciliation. The aim is to seek meaningful resolution of the human rights complaint in a way that is relatively informal.

We will aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible however depending upon the nature of the complaint this may vary. You will be provided with updates during the investigation of your complaint.

Language and hearing assistance

If you need an interpreter please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 1800 512 451 and have them contact the department on 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you may contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 (TTY/Voice) or 1300 555 727 (Speak and Listen - SSR).

Complaints recorded and resolved

2023-24: 95 complaints recorded and resolved

2022-23: 13 complaints recorded and resolved

2021-22: 46 complaints recorded and resolved

2020-21: 16 complaints recorded and resolved

2019-20: 24 complaints recorded and resolved

2018-19: One complaint recorded and resolved

2017-18: QRIDA recorded no complaints regarding its services.

Last updated: 09 September 2024