Northern and Central Queensland primary producer grants now open for flood and monsoon recovery

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30 August 2024

Northern and Central Queensland primary producers directly impacted by the monsoon and flooding event from 20 December 2022 to 30 April 2023 can now apply for new co-contribution grants of up to $150,000. 

The grants can help with the costs of restocking livestock and rebuilding or restoring on-farm infrastructure that was lost or damaged and help producers better prepare for future events.  

The Albanese and Miles Governments are jointly providing $5million through the North Queensland Restocking and On-farm Infrastructure Grants for eligible primary producers in the local government areas of Boulia, Burke, Carpentaria, Cloncurry, Doomadgee, Mornington, and Mount Isa. 

The grants are being delivered by the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), with applications now open at

 Applications will remain open until 30 June 2025 or until the available funding is distributed. 

QRIDA Disaster and Drought Manager Sheree Finney said she encouraged impacted primary producers in eligible local government areas to visit the QRIDA website for more information on this new grant including eligibility criteria and how to apply. 

“Producers can call our Freecall number1800 623 946 to speak to one of the QRIDA team or to connect with our North West and Gulf Regional Area Manager, Sam Fryer, to discuss your individual circumstances," Sheree said.

“Primary producers could also use a Disaster Assistance Loan up to $250,000 to as the co-contribution finance required for this grant."   

To be eligible for the new scheme, primary producers must have received an Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grant for the Northern and Central Queensland monsoon and flooding event prior to applying for a North Queensland Restocking and On-farm Infrastructure Grant. They must match grant funding with an equal co-contribution.

The North Queensland Re-Stocking and On-farm Infrastructure Grants are available in addition to the financial assistance already delivered under the joint Australian and Queensland Government Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements schemes including Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants up to $75,000 (closed) and Disaster Assistance Loans up to $250,000 (open until 31 December 2024). 


Last updated: 04 September 2024