Information for advisors and agents
An advisor's role in mediation is to fully prepare their client/s, assist and advise clients during the process and on any settlement options raised and assist the mediator with drafting terms of settlement reached.

Important steps for mediation
The mediator may approve a party be represented by an agent if satisfied that their representation assists mediation and that they have enough knowledge of the issues to represent the party effectively. An agent for the purpose of mediation means one who agrees and is authorised to act on behalf of another that includes a lawyer or otherwise professionally qualified person. View the guidelines for conducting mediation under related information. A farmer is entitled to one (1) or more advisors at a mediation meeting.
It is essential that any adviser engaged has a clear understanding of the mediation process and sound financial skills. This includes a working knowledge of the Farm Business Debt Mediation Act 2017 (Qld) and the Guidelines for Conducting Mediation (PDF, 270KB).